Legal Notice


This site (hereinafter, the Site) is developed by the Company SARL SOAR (hereinafter, the Company), SARL with capital of 500 euros, registered with the RCS of Versailles under number 842 981 292, of which the head office is located at 4 rue du Coteau, 78490 Les Mesnuls.

The Publication Director is Mr Richard Missistrano.

The presentation and content of the site are the exclusive property of the SARL SOAR Company or of third parties having restrictedly authorized the SARL SOAR Company to use them.

Consequently, any total or partial use, copy, reproduction, publication, downloading, translation, display, transmission or distribution of this site in any form whatsoever, without the express authorization of the SARL SOAR Company is prohibited, subject to be expressly authorized by applicable law, with the exception of use made for press purposes.

The brands mentioned are registered brands.

Any total or partial reproduction of such brands and/or logos which is made without the express authorization of the SARL SOAR Company is prohibited, in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.


Personal information about you may be collected by the Company during use of the Site. For more information on the processing of your personal data by the Site, we invite you to consult the Personal data protection policy .


We use cookies to improve and facilitate your navigation on our Site.

For more information on the cookies used on the Site, we invite you to consult the Cookies Charter .


Access to the Site as well as the use of its content are subject to the General Conditions of Use described below (hereinafter the Conditions). Access to and navigation on the Site constitutes unreserved acceptance of these Conditions on the part of the user.

The Company reserves the right to periodically review the Conditions without prior notice.

The Company has done everything in its power to ensure that the information accessible through the Site is accurate. However, the Company does not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, complete and up to date.

Under no circumstances can the Company be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, whatever its nature, resulting from the use of the Site. The Company also disclaims any responsibility for any interference, interruption, disconnection or any other operational problem with the Site.

The user of the Site assumes responsibility arising from the use of the Site and undertakes to use the Site, its content and its services in accordance with good practices for using the Internet, in particular refraining from:

The user of the Site fully guarantees the Company against any claim or recourse from third parties concerning the use of the Site made by this user.


The Site and each of its elements and in particular texts, information, images, icons, photographs, illustrations, multimedia (graphics, audio and video), charters, reports, software, HTML code and all other material are and remain the exclusive property of the Company, the only one authorized to exploit the intellectual property rights and personality rights relating thereto, in particular trademarks, logos, domain names, models, copyright and image rights, originally or by the effect of express authorization.

Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the Site or any of its elements is prohibited, as is their alteration, adaptation, diffusion, distribution by any means, publication, exhibition and communication.


The creation of hypertext links to the Site cannot be done without the prior written authorization of the Company and may be revoked at any time. The Company declines all responsibility regarding the content of sites linked to the Site (if the case arises).


These Conditions are governed by French law, excluding its conflict of law rules. The French courts have territorial jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to the use of the Site.


Photo credits: David Duchon-Doris
Copyright SARL SOAR, all rights reserved.
Hosting: Shopify