Chromotherapy consultations with Vannina Vesperini

Vannina Vesperini puts her expertise as a chromo-therapist at the service of her clients and her collections. Choosing the right color is first of all doing yourself or yourself good. Why are we attracted to certain colors more than others?

We unconsciously associate each color with a physical part of our body, with our mind, with our emotions. This is the reason why in contact with a color we can experience a sensation of well-being or discomfort which translates into a physical sensation, a disorder or a particular emotion.

The color is our Proust madeleine. It instantly plunges us back into a known physical, emotional and psychological sensation that reassures us or, on the contrary, disturbs us. 

If you want to know more about yourself through color, gain self-confidence thanks to the power of colors ? Vannina Vesperini offers private consultations based on THE ORACLE of COLORS or the CHROMO-TEST.

Consultation privée : l'Oracle des Couleurs - Vannina VESPERINI
Consultation privée : le chromotest - Vannina VESPERINI